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Fyle Continues To Help Customers Grow With Innovations In Expense Management

August 1, 2024
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As of August 1, 2024, we’re updating our pricing structure to support our commitment to continuous innovation and providing a seamless, AI-enhanced expense management platform that helps you save time and effort and focus on your business’ success.

In addition to these changes, we want to ensure you’re aware of all the updates we’ve made to our product - from new features that make expense tracking easier than ever to enhancements in user experience. 

Learn all about our new updates 

Co-pilot for spenders to simplify expense tracking 

Our newly-launched Conversational AI is built to ensure expense management becomes even easier for you. Your employees and cardholders can now submit receipts via text messages, saving hours of manual effort, and the unnecessary hoarding of receipts. For you, this means no more incessant follow ups with employees. 

How Fyle lets you submit receipts via text message.

Data like amount, date, merchant, category, cost centers etc is automatically extracted from receipts and auto-filled, ensuring quick, accurate coding. Our AI also asks users for additional information like projects and other details you consider mandatory. All they have to do is text us the information and be done with it.

Fyle will match receipts with card transactions that automatically flow into Fyle in real-time (learn more below), and save hours of manual reconciliation effort. 

Factoid about how Fyle enables customers to submit receipts via text messages

Real-time credit card integrations 

Managing your business credit cards and ensuring all transactions are reconciled before tax time is hard. It generally involves hours of downloading multiple bank statements, collecting receipts, manually matching them, and verifying data. 

Fyle’s direct integrations with Visa, Mastercard, and American Express, coupled with our ability to easily collect and automatically match receipts via text, solve just this. Fyle is the only expense management software today that enables businesses to get a real-time view of how and where employees spend from their company cards.

How Fyle's real time feeds give you instant transaction notifications on credit card spending.

Right from our first-of-its-kind real-time integration with Visa in July 2022 and Mastercard in April 2023, to our direct integration with American Express in April 2024, we’re committed to giving you a seamless software experience on any credit card program you already use. 

American Express virtual Cards

Fyle joined American Express’ list of partners that allow Business and Corporate Cardholders to issue unlimited, on-demand virtual Cards, linked to your existing card program. Establish specific controls for each on-demand virtual Card payment, including spending limits, and expiration dates, to ensure compliance. Customers can take advantage of the American Express billing cycle to utilize cash on hand for their business until their Card payment is due.

How Fyle lets you create Amex virtual cards on demand
Enrollment required and fees may apply.

Automate tasks and workflows with Fyle 

Scheduled expense report submission to put the process on auto-pilot

Nobody wants to deal with expense reports - they’re tedious, time-consuming and just a hassle. That’s why we help you automate the entire process. Once your employees have submitted their expenses via Text Messages, Gmail, Outlook, Slack, or our Mobile App, we’ll create an expense report and submit it. You can schedule this process on a weekly, monthly, or on a custom basis, and we’ll take care of the rest. 

Expense rules for more accurate coding

One of the major challenges with expense management is getting employees to fill in important data to accurately code the expense. With Fyle, not only does our AI-based engine automatically extract information from the receipt, but also auto-fills other details with features like merchant-based expense rules

With these rules, expense fields like Category, Project, Purpose etc, can be automatically filled in based on the Merchant that has been identified from the card transaction or receipt, reducing the dependence on employees, eliminating human errors, and the need for repetition. For example, you could create a rule that says, If the Merchant name contains ‘Uber’, then set Category to ‘Taxi’. 

How merchant-based expense rules ensure more accurate expense coding

Enhanced project expense tracking 

We've introduced a powerful feature - Dependent Fields, that allows users to control values in one field based on another. For example, you can track Project-dependent fields like Cost Codes and Cost Types easily. 

If you’re a construction firm or a service-based company that works on a project basis, you can now track every detail related to a project expense, and simplify accounting.  

Here's how it works: if an employee selects Project A, only the Cost Centers associated with Project A appear. This means employees no longer need to remember which Cost Centers align with each project. 

Easy mileage tracking with commute deduction

While reimbursing employees for business-related travel, you need to adhere to IRS guidelines and deduct the regular commute distance, a task prone to errors and time-consuming manual calculations. Fyle's Commute Deduction feature aims to be the antidote to these challenges, providing a seamless and automated solution.

How Fyle's commute deduction enables easy business mileage tracking.

Users can enter their home and work locations, and choose to deduct commute for one-way or two-way travel every time they add a mileage expense. Employers can rest assured that reimbursements align precisely with business-related mileage, preventing overpayment due to personal commute distances. This not only enhances tax compliance but also contributes to significant cost savings for organizations.

An integrated platform that fits into your workflow 

New integrations with QuickBooks Desktop, TravelPerk, MS Dynamics and more!
We’ve introduced new accounting integrations with QuickBooks Desktop (one of our most requested!), Sage 300 Construction & Real Estate (Beta), Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, and TravelPerk! Eliminate the time spent on manual data entry and verification, and automate expense sync. 

QuickBooks Desktop 

We launched an IIF-file based integration with QuickBooks Desktop to help you automatically sync expense data between the two platforms. This has become one of the fastest growing integrations! Export reimbursable and credit card expenses as Bills, Journal Entries, Credit Card Purchases, and map data like Categories, Employees, Vendors, Projects to make sure expenses are coded accurately. 

Sage 300 CRE (Beta)

For construction and real estate firms using Sage 300 CRE, our direct integration is now available in beta. From easy expense export, to mapping of dimensions like GL Codes, Employees, Projects, Job Codes, Cost Codes, Cost Types and more, the integration simplifies construction accounting. 


For customers who use TravelPerk to make and manage travel bookings, we released a direct, bi-directional integration with TravelPerk. For any bookings made on the TravelPerk platform, expenses are created automatically on Fyle, with the receipt and other details automatically filled in. Add and map payment profiles, streamline credit card reconciliation for cards used for bookings, and more. 

Maximize the value you get from Fyle

At Fyle, we’re constantly working to make a better platform that helps businesses like you put expense management on auto-pilot. As a reflection of our commitment to deliver a best-in-class experience, we’re increasing our prices starting August 1st, 2024. We look forward to continuing to build new and exciting features, incorporate customer feedback, and enhancing our offering to help you grow. 

Effortless expense management for all business spends. Earned time, saved costs, improved productivity, happy employees - achieve it all with a single software.

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