Sync expenses to QuickBooks Online

Close your books on time with Fyle's direct integration with QuickBooks Online. Automatically
export Expenses, Receipts, Categories, Vendors, and more according to your GL.

Fyle's two-way integration with QuickBooks Online

Control how expenses are exported

Your reimbursable and credit card expenses can be automatically pushed to QuickBooks Online without any manual intervention.


Reimbursable expenses as Expenses, Checks, Journal Entries, or Bills


Credit card expenses as Credit Card Purchases, Expenses, Bills, Journal Entries, or Debit Card Purchases

Expense data exports between Fyle and QuickBooks Online
Expense data exports between Fyle and QuickBooks Online

Sync all your data in a single click, in real-time

When you already have all your data in your QuickBooks Online, there’s no need to re-enter it in Fyle. Choose how you want different dimensions to be mapped to Fyle, and we’ll auto-sync every 24 hours.

Category mapping features between Fyle and QBO

Map your Chart of Accounts

The integration will import your Chart of Accounts into Fyle as Categories, so expenses are classified accurately.
You can even add user-friendly naming for every category. Eliminate repetitive data entry and manual effort.

Import Employees, Projects, Vendors and more

The integration directly imports Employees, Vendors, Projects, Items, Classes, Customers, Departments, and Custom Fields from QuickBooks Online. Admins don’t have to manually create these records in Fyle.

Import expense information directly from QuickBooks Online to Fyle.
Easy expense coding within Fyle

AI-based, automated expense coding

The Vendors, Customers, Chart of Accounts, Departments, and Projects that you import will be available as a drop-down in the expense form, so everything is mapped accurately and automatically coded.

Set up and manage your integration seamlessly

Self-serve setup that takes under 15 mins

Self-serve capabilities of Fyle's QuickBooks Online integration

Self-serve setup that takes under 15 mins

Connecting your QuickBooks Online account to Fyle requires only your login credentials. The guided, self-serve setup is completely no-code, so you don’t have to deal with clunky integrations any more.

Easy error resolution from the dashboard

Resolve integration errors right from Fyle

Easy error resolution from the dashboard

In the case of any exporting or mapping errors, you’re instantly notified. You can troubleshoot and resolve errors right from the dashboard, instead of referring to lengthy help articles.

Download the Fyle + QuickBooks Online detailed feature list


Feature breakdown for
the integration


Screenshots, examples,
and more


See customization options

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Get receipts from employees to QuickBooks Online in minutes

Collect receipts from anywhere

Collect receipts in multiple ways using Fyle

Collect receipts from anywhere

Employees can submit receipts to Fyle via text, and we'll automatically code and create expenses. They can also track receipts right from Gmail, Outlook, Slack and our Mobile App.

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Fast track approvals and compliance

Approve expenses and catch fraud on the go with Fyle

Fast track approvals and compliance

Configure automated approval workflows and enable managers to approve expenses right from their Emails, Slack or our Mobile App. Ensure continuous compliance with our policy engine, powered by AI.

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Automatically match receipts to card expenses

Fyle helps collect receipts and reconcile card spend via Text

Automatically match receipts to card expenses

Get real-time transaction data for all your existing credit cards. Fyle helps you collect and match receipts, and reconcile expenses in QuickBooks Online.

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See Fyle + QuickBooks Online in action

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