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Business Expense Tracking: How your employees can track expenses from everyday apps

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Published on
May 21, 2021
Updated on
March 10, 2025
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When we spoke to Fyle customers a year ago, we found a common problem: their employees do not submit their expenses on time. They were reluctant to spend extra hours looking for old receipts.

The ideal way to ensure your employees don't hate expense management is to give them an extremely simple and no-brain way to report their expenses.

How to track business expenses automatically with Fyle

Fyle was built by someone who had personally faced this problem and wanted to create a solution that minimizes, if not eradicates, the hassle around manual business expense management.

And if you are already using an expense management app, the chances are that your employees are still shifting between multiple apps trying to submit their business expenses. Though this might be a little bit easier than manually doing things, your employees are still not getting the seamless experience they deserve.

Welcome to the world of single-click expense tracking and automatic data extraction. Your employees can stop navigating multiple apps to submit a single business expense. Fyle is built within daily work tools like Gmail, Outlook, and Slack. All your employees need to do is click a single button, and their expense is submitted.

Let's see how this works with different apps.

G Suite

Their inbox is a major source of receipts. What if they could submit expenses right from their Gmail inbox? That's what the Fyle extension does.

All they need to do is download the Chrome extension, and voila, they're good to go. Every time a new expense occurs, employees can go to the email with the receipt/invoice and click on 'Fyle it'. The extension will quickly extract expense information from the receipt and add it to the "My Expenses" tab in the Fyle app. All under 2 seconds! A quick review later, the expenses are reported for approval.

Expense tracking with the G Suite email extension

Microsoft 365

If your organization uses Outlook instead, worry not. We've got you covered. Just go to 'add-ins' for the browser app, or go to "Store" for the desktop app. Download the Fyle plug-in and you’re done.

Like the Gmail extension, you can quickly navigate to the email with the receipt/invoice and 'Fyle it' for seamless, one-click, and accurate expense tracking.

Expense tracking with the Office 365 email extension


For organizations that use Slack as their internal communication tool, employees can submit their business expenses right from the tool.

Here's how it works. Install the Fyle app into Slack in two ways:

Once your employees connect their Fyle account and Slack workspace, they can submit expenses either using the slash command /fyle-report or by clicking "Submit expense report" on the shortcuts section.

Expense tracking from Slack

Your employees can quickly view, edit, and delete expenses right from Slack. What's more, you can also notify employees when their expense report is approved or when they get reimbursed.

It doesn't stop there…

There are more ways in which your employees can quickly submit their expenses. They are easy to use, single click, and powered by state-of-the-art AI for quick data extraction and faster expense submissions.

Mobile app

With Fyle’s native iOS and Android mobile apps, users can quickly click a picture of the receipt, and the expense data will be automatically coded and ready for reporting. Additionally, users can also scan multiple reports and submit them in bulk, saving them hours of productive time.

Fyle's mobile app for receipt scanning

Web App

The Fyle web app is also simple to use. Users can submit expenses by clicking on the 'Add Expenses' tab and attach receipts from their device or cloud storage drives. The app scans the receipts and automatically fills in the details in the expense form.

Fyle's webapp for expense reporting

Automation does not mean you lose control

One primary fear that we came across while talking to Finance folks was losing control over their expense data. They spoke of instances where their current expense management software extracted data automatically and did not allow them to edit their expenses later. Ultimately, this leads to erroneous expenses getting submitted.

With Fyle, you have complete control over your expense data. No matter how employees choose to submit expenses with Fyle, they can always go back to view, edit or delete expenses as needed.

As for Finance folks, Fyle automatically detects policy violations right at the time of submissions. All expenses submitted will be auto-checked and flagged for quicker redressals to ensure continuous compliance.

Make your employees love you!

The driving force for most organizations is employee love. It does not matter if you spend days devising a detailed expense management process or if you spend hundreds of dollars on a 'good' expense management software. If your employees find it challenging to navigate, they will not use it. Period. Do yourself and your employees a favor and take a quick demo with Fyle to see how you can automate business expense tracking for your organization

Effortless expense management for all business spends. Earned time, saved costs, improved productivity, happy employees - achieve it all with a single software.

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