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collect receipts 5X faster via text with
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See how Fyle can
help you collect
receipts faster with a
personalized demo
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Fyle is thrilled to partner with the Minnesota Society of CPAs (MNCPA) to provide its members with the easiest expense management experience.
Fyle helps you collect employee expense receipts via Text Messages, Gmail, Outlook, Slack, and more. Fyle’s AI engine codes and categorizes the expenses and syncs data to Quickbooks, Xero, Netsuite, Sage Intacct, and Sage 300 CRE.
Directly integrate with your existing company cards to automate reconciliation and get real-time transaction data. Fyle empowers MNCPA members with valuable insights and automated workflows, simplifying expense accounting and saving hours of manual effort.
Get a Demo50% savings on implementation costs while ensuring a seamless onboarding experience for your team.
10% Discount On All Subscriptions
Unlimited expense tracking and real-time card feeds
$10.80 $11.99
Unlimited expense tracking and real-time card feeds
$13.50 $14.99
Simplify expense submission and tracking via Text Messages, Fyle’s Mobile App, Gmail & Outlook Plugins, Slack, Email Forwarding and more, with AI-powered data extraction and coding.
Collect receipts 5X faster, automate credit card receipt matching, make GL coding accurate, and close books faster.
Monitor client credit cycles and spending in real-time without relying on bank feeds.
Enhance financial control with detailed digital audit trails, AI-based policy checks, and automated fraud detection.
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