Whenever employees spend on your business credit cards, transaction data flows into your Fyle dashboard instantly, so you get visibility like never before.
Advanced analytics and spend dashboard
Analyze business credit card and reimbursable spend patterns, compare it to different time periods, and get actionable insights that help you make better decisions.
Find out exactly how employees are spending
Break down employee expenses based on Merchants, Departments, Categories, Projects and more to see where money is being spent, and take steps to make operational cash flow more efficient.
Project spend analytics
Recognize the distribution of expenses among different projects and clients to optimize spend and prepare better budget estimates.
Fyle’s AI powered expense management app does more than just real-time spend analytics
Retrieve detailed data on the average amount of time an expense takes to move between different stages and call out any blockers to further improve it.
Budget spend data
Control overheads and forecast accurate spends by ensuring the organization or department stays under budget with real-time and actionable budget data.
Policy violators and top spenders
Apprehend repeat offenders and top spenders with detailed data on their policy violations and their spend behavior easily saving finance teams hours of time and effort.
Change in spend
Gain clarity over any changes in company spend behavior and stay on top of where the money is at all times.
Expense analytics of the past
Expense analytics with Fyle
Say goodbye to your business expense management woes
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